They had the Bible and we had the Land

Laolu Korede
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.
~Desmond Tutu

Chinua Achebe, the mastermind behind “Things Fall Apart,” has brought to light the accusations of missionaries playing a part in the invasion of Africa. But let’s not jump to conclusions just yet! While some might see it as an African tragedy, others believe it to be a divine intervention. It’s like the age-old question: Was it the chicken or the egg? Let’s take a step back and objectively determine which came first — colonization or the blessing


Ah, the tales of the missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa! King Nzinga of Kongo actually requested the first batch of these holy messengers to arrive, and they came bearing gifts in the form of artisans and a freshly baptized King. Let’s not forget the trailblazing David Livingstone, one of the first to explore central and southern Africa.

But fast forward to today, where religious folk and especially missionaries are often misunderstood in our increasingly secular world. However, with the advancements in anthropology and sociology, our perspectives on other societies and peoples have improved and we’re starting to see the not-so-saintly side of the missionary attitude and enterprise.

Now, let’s not paint all missionaries with the same brush. There were plenty of exceptions and contrarian examples to the stereotype, and it’s not fair to reduce the diversity of these folks to a single perception. On the flip side, there’s also been hagiographical literature that tries to make the missionaries seem like heroes, but let’s avoid getting caught up in the hyperbole, positive or negative.

To truly understand the role of the missionaries, we need to set aside these extreme perceptions and appreciate the diversity of their experiences. After all, not all saints wear halos, and not all sinners wear horns.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the context in which the missionaries operated and the motivations behind their actions. Was it purely a religious mission or were there other factors at play, such as economic or political interests? The answer may not always be straightforward, but a nuanced understanding of the situation can shed light on the complexities of the relationship between the missionaries and the local communities they served.

Moreover, the impact of their presence in Africa cannot be ignored. While some argue that they brought much-needed education, healthcare, and modernization, others claim that their arrival paved the way for colonialism and the exploitation of African resources. It’s a delicate balancing act between the positive and negative effects, and it’s up to us to critically examine the evidence and make informed conclusions.

Economic Review

Missionaries were the trailblazers of economic change in Africa, introducing foreign goods that eventually led to the continent’s dependence on a market economy. These products were paid for through increased agricultural production or by finding other means of generating income, often leading to wage labor.

The “Commerce and Christianity” theory popularized by David Livingstone aimed to link trade with the spread of the Christian faith, but some view it as a sneaky way of introducing capitalism.

While the hard work and sacrifices made by European missionaries should not be ignored, it’s also true that they imposed their culture, repressed Africans, and even got involved in politics and land seizure, as seen in the words of Desmond Tutu. However, this is just one side of the coin, as Africa’s rich cultural heritage still shines bright, unaffected by any foreign influence. The younger generation may have a skewed view of the past, but the truth is that Africa’s beauty transcends any cultural or religious differences.

In conclusion, the influence of missionaries in Africa is a complex and multi-faceted issue with both positive and negative aspects. While they did bring new ideas and technologies that sparked economic growth, their methods of cultural and political domination cannot be overlooked.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons and form their own opinions. But one thing is for sure, Africa’s cultural richness and diversity will always be a source of pride, no matter who comes and goes. So let’s celebrate that, with all its quirks and imperfections, Africa remains a vibrant, beautiful, and truly unique continent

First Posted on Paradux Africa

